My Mommy Graduated Today :) :) !!!!!!!

My mother graduated today and I couldn’t be there 😦

It sucks to be grown up and to have a job and all those “good stuff”… Oh how I miss the good old days of being in primary school…

Anyhoo. This post is not about me so….

I’m soooooooooooooooooo proud of my mother. At fifty years old she’s graduating for the first time in her life. She never completed All Age school and she never went to high school. By the time  she was my age she was already married with three children (one of the reasons I had a deadly fear of getting pregnant early, had to achieve enough for both of us as she missed out on a significant part of being young).

My mother has made so many sacrifices for her children and it makes me so happy to think of her collecting her certificate for being the most outstanding student. OMG i’m tearing up! I wish I was there!!

Thanks to my brother I can watch th entire function when I get home.

Wow, did I mention that i’m proud???

I’ll have to tell you all about my mother in subsequent posts cause i have to go read the news at 9… I cant wait to get home 🙂



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